Arthur Bruyas

Ranking 2024-2025Pro B
Statistics 2024-2025
Last Games
Player Profile
Arthur Bruyas is a player from the Loire region where he trained. First noticed in U15 at UPAB (Pontoise-Andrézieux), this shooting guard/small forward then joined the youth academy of Chorale de Roanne. As a well-rounded and athletic swingman (shooting guard/small forward), he quickly established himself as an important prospect for the U18 ELITE team (15.1 points per game in 2017-2018) and the Espoirs team (13.6 points in 2018-2019). This led him to train with the professional team and make his debut in Betclic ELITE during the 2019-2020 season. However, it was in Pro B where he really started to make his mark as a professional, thanks to an ASP license with Saint-Chamond and then a loan to Saint-Vallier in 2021-2022 (7 points, 2.5 rebounds and 1.6 assists in 18 minutes). After returning to Roanne in 2022-2023, he only played a rotation role under Jean-Denys Choulet. This led him to leave his native region, this time as an established Pro B player. Elan Béarnais signed him in the 2023 offseason. Under Eric Bartecheky, this good-shooting forward played a major role but couldn't help EBPLO return to the French first division. This opened the door for his return to SCABB, a very ambitious club, in the 2024 offseason. However, he quickly suffered a torn ACL on October 12 against Champagne Basket.
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