Boulazac Info
For the 2024/2025 season, the Boulazac club has a projected budget of €3.4M (compared to €3.4M last year, +2%), ranking as the 11th budget among the 20 clubs in Pro B, with a payroll of €960K (8th in Pro B) - cf. DNCCGCP communication of October 22, 2024.
For the 2023/2024 season, the Boulazac club has a projected budget of €3.4M (compared to €3.4M last year, +1%), ranking as the 5th budget among the 18 clubs in Pro B, with a payroll of €972K (4th in Pro B) - cf. DNCCGCP communication of October 12, 2023.
Honors & Championships
- Finalist of the Leaders Cup Pro B 2023 (lost 88-72 in final against Angers)
- Finalist of the Leaders Cup Pro B 2016 (lost 81-69 in final against Bourg-en-Bresse)