Fos Provence Info
For the 2024/2025 season, Fos Provence club shows a projected budget of €2.9M (compared to €3.0M last year, -3%), ranking 14th budget out of 20 clubs in Pro B, with a payroll of €886K (10th in Pro B) - cf. DNCCGCP communication from October 22, 2024.
For the 2023/2024 season, Fos Provence club shows a projected budget of €3.0M, ranking 8th budget out of 18 clubs in Pro B, with a payroll of €888K (7th in Pro B) - cf. DNCCGCP communication from October 12, 2023.
Honors & Championships
- French Pro B Champion 2021
- Winner of the Pro B Leaders Cup 2021 (68-57 victory in final against Quimper)
Individual Awards
- Jamar Diggs: MVP of the Pro B Leaders Cup 2021